The Revolutionary Nigeria Movement (RevNig) was founded out of the urgent desire for Nigerians to have a medium where all citizens who are concerned about the doom that lies ahead can speak with one voice and act in unison to avert the disaster that awaits us. It is a platform for actions; activities that are geared towards untangling Nigeria out of the grip of a cabal of rulers that seek only the well-being of their pockets– not that of the people they swore to serve.
RevNig is a platform where like-minded patriots gather to screen and determine the best candidates that are worthy of our votes.
Our Guiding Principles
We believe that Nigeria can be one of the greatest nations on earth.
We believe that Nigeria can outfight corruption decisively.
We believe that Nigeria can have responsive and responsible leaders.
How We Work
Our goal is to reach out to a minimum of 20 million+ like-minded electorates out of the 98 million+ eligible Nigerian voters. They will come together to screen and vote responsible Nigerians into leadership positions during elections. Collectively, we will choose men of honour and virtue who will fix our fatherland. Read more…
Furthermore, RevNig is a platform where Nigerians can make small contributions that will add up to help provide our communities with basic amenities. Read more…
Sooner than later, Nigeria will have a new beginning that will lead her to greatness. Endeavour to join us today. Together we can fix our fragile democracy as well as uplift our communities. We will achieve nothing if we continue to murmur individually or in splinter groups which soon fade away. Join us