Fellow Nigerian, the governance of Nigeria is not the birthright of the Obasanjos, the Buharis or any other arm of the ruling class that has been destroying Nigeria since Independence. As citizens of Nigerian, the everyday Nigerian must have the same right to govern as any other citizen of this nation.
Democracy is defined as the government of, by, and for the people. It is the people’s government. Not until we, the everyday Nigerian, take our destinies in our hands, we will continue to be damned by a cabal of rulers who have redefined democracy as the government of, by, and for the ruling gang and their acolytes. Government by a set of criminals who are worse than the colonial masters that handed over the baton of exploitation to them.
Experience is said to be the best teacher. There is nobody better experienced than ordinary Nigerians that are taunted by the misrule of our so-called leaders. They are the ones that are best experienced to fix our problems, and they are the ones we must be looking forward to serving us.
For example, an every day Nigerian whose children attend public schools and go to government hospitals for medical assistance will know more about the problems of education and healthcare respectively than those who send their children abroad for education and medical treatment.
Furthermore, a commoner who patronises public services is more likely to be told by his children that schools are on strike yet again, that they did not study because their teacher did not come to school, that there was no chalk to teach them, or that the classroom roof fell on them. Same applies to the dysfunctional healthcare system in Nigeria where the commoner is a regular. He/she will know more about the problems of our hospitals than those who go or send their children abroad to treat common malaria.
Fellow Nigerian, never again must we be deceived by the ruse called experience. Experience may be a veritable criterion in selecting leaders in other parts of the world, but in Nigerian, Leaders are only experienced in the stealing and sharing of our national wealth amongst themselves. Added to this is their expertise in election rigging and coup plotting. Since independence, their experience has destroyed all sectors of the Nigerian society. We do not need that type of experience.
On this note, we call on the professionals in our midst – teachers, doctors, engineers, economists, scientists, information technologists and the likes, it is time to come out of reclusion and join the revolution. The RevNig Movement (RevNig) is providing Nigerians with a platform to act–A platform to raise money and gather support. You need not be rich before you aspire for elective positions.
We call also on the less educated people in our communities that are endowed with leadership qualities. It is time to sign up for a better Nigeria. Leadership is not the exclusive preserve of those who have destroyed the nation since Independence. No matter the side of the divide you are – educated or not –, it is time to join hands to bring peace and prosperity back to Nigerians. We must not lay back while our country is being destroyed by leaders of today.
Finally, RevNig is calling on aspiring political office holders to each set up an online platform where they will reach out to Nigerians. They must also endeavour to join the RevNig Movement. In togetherness, we will elect men of honour that will move the nation forward–not backward. Remember,
“Everybody can serve because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have college degrees. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”–Martin Luther King Jr.
Please read on.
Voters’ Checklist: Screening and Choosing Nigerian Leaders
Virtues of a Revolutionary Leader: Leaders Nigeria Need Today