The RevNig Movement (RevNig) calls on the few men of honour left in Nigeria to come out of reclusiveness and make their voices heard. Tell Nigerians how best to govern the country through their websites or blogs. How best to run a government ministry, department or agency in their expertise, experience or interest. Also, how best to govern a state or local government of their concern.
Through their websites or blogs, Nigerians will know all about them beforehand – their families, their health condition, educational qualification, past positions held and their opinions on matters of national, continental, and international concerns.
Fellow Nigerian,
A servant who sincerely wants to serve will have nothing to hide from their master. Therefore, any politician with something to hide is not fit to serve. Never again must we allow medically, educationally, mentally and morally unfit persons to rule over us.
Never again must we elect a president who will conceal his medical condition from us and consequently put the nation on hold with numerous medical trips abroad when elected — as in the cases of Late President Yaradua and now, Buhari.
Never again must we elect liars and certificate forgers to represent us.
Using the RevNig platform, the few men of honour left in Nigeria must unite to form a credible alternative to the present crop of villains we call leaders.
Join the RevNig Movement now! To build a better Nigerian society, we must separate the rotten politicians from the good ones.
Please read more.
Mission 2b: Imploring Aspiring Leaders to Coalesce with Like-Minded Patriots
Mission 2c: Requesting Would-Be Leaders to Get Ready for Future Elections
Mission 2d: Enjoining Aspirants to Raise Funds Through Their Websites and RevNig
Calling on Nigerians Who Hate Politics to Consider Again
Promoting the Ideals of the RevNig Movement
Calling on Responsive and Responsible Nigerian Elites to Lead